Pro. Hair Growth Treatment Set - 12X


Pro. Hair Growth Treatment Set - 12X
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BF1 - Professional hair growth treatment set resolve all balding and hair loss problems. Control hair loss and promoting hair growth fast results within 7 days.


Professional Hair Growth Treatment Set B$868
Results Within 7 days Money Back Guarantee

2nos Hair Growth Treatment Mask 500g
1no Hair Growth Treatment Solution 220ml
1no Hair Growth Treatment Ampules 12nos X 8ml
Set Promotion Price : B$868

Many of us thought that after we suffered hair losses, we will become bald headed and the hair will not grow again. Although hair losses happened, but the roots of the hair are still alive, therefore the roots of those bald headed people are still alive. A dead man's s hairs are still growing temporary. So, man who are alive means the root of their hairs are still alive.

Question 1 : Will new hair grow from sealed scalp pores?
Answer 1 : Yes, it's a matter of time and duration of treatment. The balder the hair, the longer time and period of treatment required.

Question 2 : Is a prolonged sealed hair root consider alive?
Answer 2 : Yes, the vitality of hair root is extremely strong. A sealed or blocked hair root may rejuvenate with a renewed supply of nutrients and air, just as our body's healing power.


问题 1 : 毛孔关闭的头皮还会生发吗?
答案 1 : 会,只是时间及疗程的长短.头发越是光秃,时间及疗程也越长.

问题 2 : 关闭已久的发根还会有生命力吗?
答案 2 : 会的,发根的生命力很强,关闭或被阻塞的发根会因为再次获得营养和空气而从新生长,正如我们人体会自然愈合伤口一样.

Hair Growth Treatment Solution 
Stimulates the growth of hair papilla |刺激毛乳头生长

Normal hair loss may cause the hair roots and papilla to enter their dormancy periods, while oils on scalp may deter hair roots to breath and grow freely. Daily sunlight exposure and the failure of stratum corneum(i.e. dead cells) to replenish itself may result in baldness. A healthy scalp appears to be palish. Yellowish scalp are the result of exposure to UV lights, causing the formation of dead skin on stratum corneum, thus prohibiting further hair growth.

*  Softens the stratum corneum (dead cells).
*  Stimulates the growth of hair papilla.
*  Enlarges scalp pores.
*  Removes the parasites and bacteria on the scalp.
*  Promotes the blood circulation of scalp.


*   軟化角質層(即死皮)
*   刺激毛乳頭生長
*   擴張頭皮毛孔
*   消除頭皮寄生物及細菌
*   促進頭皮血液循環

Hair Growth Treatment Mask
Removes oil from pores | 消除毛孔油脂
180g | Come With Treatment Set

Stressful lifestyle, tension and insomnia may cause the imbalance ofhormonal secretion, thus resulting in excessive hair grease secretion ceasing the hair growth process. TREATMENT MASK is able to penetrate the scalp, remove oil build-ups and withered stratum corneum, enabling the hair root and scalp to breath freely and absorb the nutrients in a normal way.

* Removes oil from pores.
* Removes excessive stratum corneum.
* Stimulate hair roots and encourage hair growth.
* Removes scalp dermatitis.
* Deeply cleanses the scalp.

日常的压力,生活紧张及失眠都会造成荷尔蒙分泌失调而导致头皮油脂分泌过量而使毛发无法生长.TREATMENT MASK能深入头皮清除累积的油脂,清除硬化干枯的角质层,使发根和头皮都能正常呼吸及吸取营养.

* 消除毛孔油脂.
* 清除多余角质层.
* 刺激发根生长.
* 清除头皮丁疮.
* 深入清洁头皮.

Hair Growth Treatment Ampules 
Stimulates hair root during their dormancy periods

8ml X 12 | Come With Treatment Set

Once the hair root and papilla enter their dormancy periods, theyrequire adequate nutrients to reactivate hair growth for new hair replacement. As you age, the body's ability to absorb nutrients may gradually deteriorate. Hence a continuous supply of nutrients to the epidermis is essential, or else the effects would be prominent. Treatment Ampulse contains large amount of Gingseng extracts which may activate scalp cells, making hair root and papilla to grow healthier and stronger.

* Makes the hair root and papilla healthy and strong.
* Stimulates hair root during their dormancy periods.
* Provides nutrients to the hair.
* Control hair loss.
* Promotes blood circulation of the scalp.
* Activates scalp cells.

发根及毛乳头进入休止期时是需要大量的营养给于滋补,使它们尽快投入成长期来补充脱发的空缺.随着年龄的增长,体内的吸收力会渐渐衰退,所以皮肤的表层营 养更不能缺少而且效果会更明显.Treatment Ampules含有大量的长白山野人参的精华,能活化头皮细胞及使发根或毛乳头更健康强壮.

*  使发根或毛乳头健康强壮.
*  唤醒休止期的发根.
*  供给发毛营养.
*  控制脱发量.
*  促进头皮血液循环.
*  活化头皮细胞.

  • Shipping Weight: 1.5lbs
  • 99994 Units in Stock

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This product was added to our catalog on Friday 22 August, 2008.

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